Realfire Release notes - v2.0.20

New Quick Connection

Added “New Quick Connection” commands (In File menu, Connection context menu). This allows to create a new oauth based connection with easy, virtually no dialogs and other setup.

Editing Option to Custom Metadata Record

Added support editing Custom Metadata Records inside the soql grid.This allows inserting, updating and deleting custom metadata records in same way of standard data objects.It also supports renaming the records

Validation To Ensure Connection name with Username

Added validation to ensure the existing username of a connection is same as new username connected via oauth.This is an important validation to avoid lots of confusion when browser opens and if a session to wrong sfdc org is established, then oauth will just flow through without user realizing the mismatch. In this case, error is shown informing about the old and new usernames and asking to create a new connection if so user desires.